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New Water Quality Measures in the Elk Valley

Climate Change Canada has issued a Direction under the Fisheries Act to Teck Coal Limited (“Teck”), setting out measures to be taken to improve water quality and prevent calcite deposition in the Elk Valley in waters affected by Teck’s Fording River and Greenhills operations.

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Teck Receives Regulatory Approval for Share Buy-Back Program

Teck Resources Limited (TSX: TECK.A and TECK.B, NYSE: TECK) (“Teck”) has been informed that the Toronto Stock Exchange (“TSX”) has accepted Teck’s notice of intention to make a normal course issuer bid to purchase its Class B subordinate voting shares (“Class B Shares”). Under the normal course issuer bid, Teck may purchase up to 40 […]

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Teck Named to Forbes World’s Top Employers List

Teck Resources Limited has been named to the Forbes World’s Best Employers 2020 list, an employee-driven ranking of multinational and large companies from 45 countries that looked at topics including COVID-19 response and willingness to recommend an employer to friends and family.

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Teck seeks Community Input on Road Closures

Teck, a founding supporter of the Elk Valley CEMF, is seeking community input from outdoor recreationalists at a Road Deactivation and Access Management Workshop held on Oct. 28.

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Dead trout below Line Creek mine raise bigger questions

Twenty-six dead westslope cutthroat trout were recently found downstream of Teck’s Line Creek mine.

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Steelmaker Uses Hydrogen Instead Of Coal

Experts agree that, policy changes aside, it will be years before even the most innovative companies manage to bring prices of low or zero-carbon steel production down far enough to compete with traditional steel

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Coal Train Black Cloud solution

A solution for the coal trains black cloud has been created, Mayor Wilks posted this on Facebook: “Message from the Mayor and Council for the District of Sparwood In a partnership between the District of Sparwood, CP Rail and Teck Resources, coal trains are being treated with a new product to keep the coal in […]

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Teck Announces Agreement with Westshore

Teck Resources Limited announced that it has signed a non-binding term sheet reflecting an agreement in principle with Westshore Terminals Limited Partnership on proposed terms for the shipment of steelmaking coal following expiry of the current contract on March 31, 2021.

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Coal pollution more than twice the safe limit in Koocanusa

A new study on selenium pollution from the Elk Valley coal mines flowing into Lake Koocanusa has found that the amount of the toxic pollutant in the lake’s waters must be reduced by more than half to keep fish safe.

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Castle Mountain to require a Federal Environmental Assessment

Teck’s Castle coal mine will require a federal environmental assessment, Federal Environment Minister Jonathan Wilkinson announced this week.

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